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Showing posts with label Civil. Show all posts



1.1       General

Loads and external forces to be considered in the design of plant structures include but are not limited to the following:


D         =          Dead loads

L          =          Live load

O         =          Operating load

T          =          Test load

Vh        =          Vehicular load

Th        =          Thermal friction forces

I           =          Impact Load

J          =          Dynamic/ Vibration  load

H         =          Earth Pressure

W         =          Wind load

R         =          Rain Load

E          =          Earthquake load/ Seismic Load

M         =          Maintenance load

1.2       Dead Load (D)

1.2.1    Dead Load of Equipment (DE)

Dead loads are the weight of equipment and all materials permanently fastened thereto or supported thereby, including piping attached to equipment, fireproofing, electrical conduit and insulation.

1.2.2    Dead Load of Structure Proper (DS)

Dead loads are the self-weight of structures or foundation. Unit weights of the major construction materials shall be in accordance with SKBI – UBC: 624.042, Chapter 2, Table 1, and those listed below:

Table 1

Unit Weight of Material

1.3       Live Load (L)

Live load are the weight of all movable loads, including: personnel, tools, miscellaneous equipment, movable partitions, cranes, hoists, part of dismantled equipment, and stored material.

Live Loads and reduction of live load shall be in accordance with UBC, Chapter 16, and as specified below:

Table 2

Live Loads

1.4       Operating Load (O)

Operating load are the dead load of equipment plus the weight of any liquid or solids that is present within the vessels, equipment or piping during normal operation. 

1.5       Test Load (T)

Foundation and structures supporting vessel and tanks for which the hydro test will be carried out shall be designed to support the dead load of equipment plus a full hydro test load of the equipment simultaneously.

1.6       Vehicular Load (Vh)

All heavy-duty roads, pavement, bridges and underground installations accessible to truck loading shall be designed as per AASHTO.

Bridges, trenches and underground installations accessible to truck loading shall be designed to withstand HS20 load as defined by AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. Maintenance or construction crane or bridge crane loads shall be considered also.

1.7       Thermal Load (Th)

Thermal load shall be defined as those forces caused by a change in temperature. Thermal load results from both operating and environment conditions. Such forces shall include those caused by vessel or piping expansion or contraction, and expansion or contraction of structures

Thermal loads and displacements caused by operating conditions shall be based on the design temperature of the item of equipment rather than the operating temperature.

In the design of pipe racks and pipe supports, a horizontal friction force (Ff) due to thermal expansion or contraction of pipe or equipment shall be applied at the support bearing surfaces. This force shall be assumed to act in either direction parallel or perpendicular to the piping run and shall be as follow :


The friction coefficients shown in Table 4 shall be used for determining restraint (force) due to temperature change or lateral force on sliding surfaces:

Table 3

Friction Coefficients

Lateral load applied at the top of beam support due to thermal expansion or contraction of pipe shall be determined in accordance with Table 5, as follows:

Table 4

Lateral Loads

1.7.1    Sliding Thermal Force

The sliding supports supporting heat exchanger or horizontal vessels for high-temperature service shall be designed to be safe under the friction force due to thermal deformation of equipment. This force shall be deemed as permanent load when the temperature corresponds to the normal operating condition.

1.7.2    Anchor Force

For pipe racks and pipe supports, pipe anchor force shall be calculated based on the thermal stress analysis of the piping system. Deflection of the supports shall be considered.

The anchor force shall be deemed as a permanent thermal load when the temperature corresponds to the normal operating condition. When the temperature corresponds to the start-up condition, such force shall be deemed as temporary thermal load.
1.8       Impact Load ( I )

For structures carrying live loads, which induce impact, the live load shall be increased sufficiently.

Vertical, transverse, and longitudinal impacts are normally not considered to act concurrently.

         Impact load (vertical)

-           Crane or monorail support : 25 %

         Impact Load (lateral)

-           Crane runways or  monorail :

Transversal         :  20 % from max. lifted load

Longitudinal         : 10 % from max. wheel loads

Design loading for road, pavement, bridges, trenches, and underground installation subject to impact load of truck or crane shall be increased 20% (vertical). Reciprocating machinery or power driven unit shall be not less than 50%.

1.9       Dynamic Loads (J)

Vibration loads are defined as those forces that are caused by vibrating machinery such as pumps, blowers, fans and compressors. Including in this definition are surge forces similar to those acting in surge vessels. All supports and foundation for vibrating equipment shall be designed to limit vibrations to an acceptable level.

1.10     Earth Pressure (H)

The earth pressure shall be designed if has enough affecting to foundation design. The lateral soil pressure Ka, Kp, and Ko shall be calculated base on soil investigation report.
1.11     Erection Loads

Erection loads are temporary forces caused by erection of structures or equipments.

1.12     Wind Load (w)

Every Building, Structure, component and cladding shall be designed to resist wind effects according to UBC chapter 16. Wind speed of local data shall be carried from local authority Climatology department, BMG (Badan Meterologi dan Geofisika). The minimum wind speed at standard height of 33 feet above ground shall be 70 miles per hour (112 km per hour), UBC chapter 16. These higher values wind speed data shall be the minimum basic wind speed loading data in the calculation design.
Wind stagnation pressure, q(s), shall be 61.52 kg/m²  (12.6 psf) according to UBC Table 16-F. The wind loads shall be based on terrain Exposure “ C “. Wind Importance Factor, Iw = 1.00 for all buildings, except Iw = 1.15 for essential facilities and hazardous facilities as set forth in UBC Table 16-K. The product of the combined height, exposure and guest factor coefficient, Ce (UBC Table 16-G), times the stagnation pressure qs shall be taken as given in table bellow:
Table 5  
Coefficient Ce
Equipment and structures shall be designed to resist a design wind pressure, p = CeCqqsIw, where pressure coefficient Cq, shall be obtained from Table 16-H of UBC.  
Vertical and horizontal vessels shall be designed to resist a design wind pressure, p = CeCqqsCpaIw, where Cq = 0.8. The projected area increased coefficient Cpa is given in Table 6 below:
Table 5  
Coefficient Cpa
The value Cpa refers to "Pressure Vessel Design Manual" by Moss, Dennis R.
In applying the wind pressure as lateral force on the projected areas of vessel diameter, the projected area increase factor Cpa, given above will provide as adequate allowance for manholes, nozzles, piping, ladders, platforms and other attachments for normal refinery-type vessels.
Wind load shall be separately computed for all supported equipment, ladders, and stairs except for vessels where projected area increase factors have already accounted for these items.
Gust response factor for a main wind resisting system of flexible building, structures and vertical vessel with height to diameter ratio equal or greater than 5:1 shall be calculated. Calculations shall be based on a rational analysis that incorporates the dynamic properties of the main wind forces resisting system. No reduction shall be made for shielding effect of vessel or structure adjacent to the structure being designed. Wind loads on open structures shall be calculated using Cq from Table 16-H.5 of UBC, without regard for shielding by other structural members.
The overturning moment due to wind shall not exceed 2/3 of the resisting moment of the structure and foundation during its lightest possible conditions after plant construction is complete.
Wind and earthquake forces shall not be assumed to act concurrently. Typical values of Cq can also be referred to UBC Code (1997 Edition) Table H.
Wind force,  F = p . Af ,


p = wind pressure

    = CeCqqsIw               

       for equipment and structure

    = CeCqqsCpaIw    

       for vertical and horizontal vessel
Af = projection area normal to wind
                 Projection area Af  = D x L                               Projection area Af  = 1/4 x  x D2
D         =          diameter of pipe, vessel, or etc.
L          =          length of pipe, vessel, or etc.
1.13     Rain Load (R)
The effect of pounding on building and enclosed structure as produced by rain loads shall be assessed in accordance with UBC Section 1605.6 and 2312.4.6 and the rain intensity for the region. Rain intensity shall be collected from the nearest rainfall measurement station, or from the Geophysical and Meteorological office for such area.
1.14     Seismic or Earthquake Load ( E )
Earthquake load shall be defined as the static horizontal and vertical forces equivalent in their design effect to the dynamic loads induced by ground motion during an earthquake.
All plant equipment and structures shall be designed for earthquake forces in accordance with UBC 1997, Chapter 16, as specified in Table 16-I and the following factors:
-           Seismic Zone  : 4
-           Seismic Zone Factor    : Z = 0.40
-           Seismic Importance Factor: I = 1.25 for all structures (UBC table 16-K)
-           Soil profile type : SE ,  Soft soil profile (UBC table 16-J)
Every structure, building and foundation shall be designed to resist the effects of overturning moments caused by earthquake forces as specified in UBC 1997, Sections 1630.8 and 1809. The overturning moment due to seismic shall not exceed 2/3 of the resisting moment. Providing soil-bearing stresses are within allowable, seismic overturning stability is satisfied.
Tall structures and structures having stiffness, weight and geometric irregularities as defined in UBC Section 1629.8.4 shall be analyzed using dynamic lateral force procedures of UBC Section 1631, including appropriate scaling of the results.
Design base shear. Total design base shear in a given direction shall be determined from the following formula: (UBC section 1630.2.1)
The total design base shear need not exceed the following:
 The total design base shear shall be less than the following:
V = 0.11 Ca  I W

 For Seismic zone 4, the total base shear shall also not be less than the   following: 

For all buildings, the value T may be approximate from the following:

V  =
Total lateral force at the base
Cv  =
Seismic coefficient, in table 16-R
Ca =
Seismic coefficient, in table 16-Q
Ct  =
Numerical coefficient
R  =
Numerical coefficient representative of the inherent overstrength and global ductility capacity of lateral-force-resisting systems,  table 16-N or 16-P
W =                
The total seismic dead load defined UBC in section 1630.1.1.
T =  
Elastic fundamental period of vibration, in seconds of the structure in the direction under consideration.
I =
Importance factor given in table 16-K UBC 1997

2.1       General
Structures, buildings, and foundations shall be designed to have design strengths at least equal to the required strength calculated for the following loading combinations.
Factor loading combination shall be used for concrete structure and foundation. Un-factor loading combination shall be used for steel structure and stability check of foundation. Factor and un-factor loading combination shall be considered for permanent and temporary conditions.
2.2       Loading Combination
Load prescribed here to fore shall be considered to act in the following combination adjusted by multiplying a load combination (LC) probability factor whichever produces the most unfavorable effects in the building, foundation, or structure member concrete.
2.2.1    Steel Structure Design.


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